Section 1: Behavior & Belief
We believe that:
- Belief itself is a tool which can be chosen intentionally. Ideally, one’s beliefs are a tool which can make life easy.
- In this way, our faith is pragmatic rather than ideological.
- All acts are intentional, including the act of being born.
- All of life is invitation to see God’s reflection in Creation. This means that all moments and experiences in life can serve as invitations to remember our true identity. Faith makes this evident to the person.
- There is no expectation or obligation or responsibility to perform any particular behavior. The transformational power of faith acts upon the person from the inside, out.
- There is no objective other than to remember our true identity.
- Faith is a way of being in the world which is accepted as the way. When remembrance happens, the meaning of a life lived in faith becomes self-evident.
- The purpose of faith is two-fold:
- To orient ourselves to the world in a way which makes life easier – to make life easier is to re-identify with one’s true identity, i.e. remembrance.
- To honor their volition in the choice to be human. To honor God’s intention in Creation.
- Any act can be made sacred. Any act can be made into a prayer or meditation.
Section 2: Cosmology
We believe in:
- Oneness: There is One Truth, as all is One.
- Ineffability: This Truth is fundamentally ineffable.
- The Law is written on our Hearts in a language which cannot be spoken, but which we each understand.
- It does not matter what name you have for God, nor whether or not God is gendered. (See: Archetypes)
- Unitarianism: All scripture is equally valid. Personal preference and “cherry-picking” are valid ways of coming into relation with this Truth, i.e. accepting faith as the way
- The only outright mistake in scripture is the categorization of individuals, of souls, etc. or the projection of duality onto human landscape, which is a fallacy of the mind.
- All testaments of God’s goodness, glory, power, and mercy are celebrated
- Primacy of Consciousness: The entirety of the knowable and unknowable universe is composed of one substance and makes up the body of one being. This being is self-aware and acts intentionally (See: Teleology, Ontoteleology).
- Logos: Each step in the individuals life is guided by the self-organization of this self-aware being, acting intentionally, and faith is a way of coming into right relation with the meaning and purpose of the circumstances in an individuals life.
- Sin: Sin comes from the Latin “without”, meaning to be without the Divine. The only sin is to dis-identify with your true identity. Forgetting, on the other hand, is a nature product of having chosen to be human.
- Dis-identification: Self-abnegation. To deny one’s power, one’s worth, one’s Divinity, i.e. to say “I AM NOT THAT.”
- Forgetting/Mis-identification: The natural product of taking human form which was intentionally chosen to participate in by each individual, regardless to what extent it is participated in.
- Salvation: Salvation is remembrance. To re-identify with one’s true identity and to act as if the Divinity of one’s nature is real, is salvation.
- The afterlife is the same for each individual. The only judgement is that which we bring upon ourselves.
- Telos: God seeks to more deeply experience the fullness of His power through human life. This comes with the caveat that the Divine-as-Human risks forgetting its identity, to which faith itself is the salvation.