What We Believe

NOTE: This article uses terms like “the Divine”, “God”, “the One Thing”, “the Truth”, “Church”. Inspiritus Ministries affirms any term used to point at “Higher Power”, and our terminology does not reflect all those used in our fellowship or any doctrinal bias within our ministry.

We believe that a relationship with the Divine is, paradoxically, both entirely personal in its expression and entirely the same in its essence for every individual.

We believe that all human experience can be understood as an invitation into deepening this relationship.

We believe that the conscious choice to deepen this relationship is the only true expression of what is referred to as “free will”.

We believe the Divine does not obligate us into relationship with it – God only invites us.

We believe that anything considered “right” or “good” is an emergent property in consciousness of the moment in which we find ourselves.

Our entire approach can be summarized with one word: trust. The fellowship of the religion of the Heart can also be thought of as the Church of Trust.

We believe that God wants you to trust God for God’s own sake, i.e. for the revelation of the Divine in-and-as it’s own Creation and Being.

We know, through experience, that with deeper trust in the Divine comes all good things.

We believe that in our conscious relationship with the Divine there is peace, power, and medicine – there is the answer to every possible question, relief from every possible pain, and abundance wherever the mind perceives lack.

We believe the Truth is, paradoxically, contained in a conscious relationship with the One Thing, the Divine, of which the true nature will remain a mystery so long as we are conscious of being human.

We believe that the activity of the Divine is, paradoxically, expansive (both inwardly and outwardly) and connective (both inwardly and outwardly), while also being perfectly still.

We believe the entire manifest world is a finite, temporal-spatial expression of this mysterious activity of the Divine.

We believe that all things have – at their Heart – the compassion, patience, and peace that are conscious expressions of the mysterious activity of the Divine.

As adherents of the religion of the Heart, we look to the Divine nature immanent and inherent in all things first. This means, in a manner of speaking, that: 1. God is good. 2. The world is good. 3. People are good.

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Articles of Faith for Inspiritus Ministries by Rev. Conner Kees

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