We believe that God is for everyone. We believe that in God there is peace, power, and medicine.
Our entire approach can be summarized with one word: trust. We even considered calling this organization the “Church of Trust”.
We believe that God is coming into deeper trust with itself through the experience of human consciousness. In other words, God wants you to trust for God’s own sake. We believe that to trust is divine. We believe a life that trusts God is a blessed one. With greater trust in God comes greater realization of the beauty and blessing of Creation.
We believe that God is infinitely, eternally and ineffable expansive, evolutionary and liberating. Humankind is the finite, temporal, expression of that. This means: 1. God is good. 2. People are good.
We believe that rooted even deeper in humankind than the story of original sin is the story of original grace. We take to hear the religious notion that we are made in the image of God, and look to the good in humankind first.
We believe that every relationship with the mystery of God is entirely unique. Thus, there are an infinite number of ways to God.
We believe that God is both infinitely mysterious and ineffable while also being nearer than the tip of our noses. God is both entirely unique to each individual and essentially the same for all people.
We believe that the way to God is trust, even though God’s essence is beyond our comprehension.
We believe that the Absolute Truth is both transcendental and immanent in nature, meaning it is knowable, unknowable,, known, and unknown – all simultaneously. Truth is contained in paradox. Thus, we believe that a relationship with God also entails a relationship with paradox, and that a relationship with paradox is a relationship with the Truth.
To participate with our spiritual community directly, use the link to “Become A Prayer Warrior” at the top of the page. To submit a prayer request to our group, use the link to “Submit A Prayer”.